Important info/Covid-19

Important info/Covid-19

Because Covid has brought about some crazy, unprecedented times, we are asking for understanding and flexibility.  If any inclusions need to be adjusted/removed OR if the event can no longer go on…your PTP entry fee/donation is non-refundable.  PTP exists to help with a great cause, so our hearts and generosity will still be counted on. 

COVID19: PTP does not have our own rules/regulations once it comes to COVID19. We will lean on our hosts Ironwood Golf Course for that.  Use common sense when deciding to attend:

·         If you do not feel well, stay home and rest.

·         Wash your hands (or sanitize after pissing in the woods)

·         Sneeze/cough into your elbow. If you are a hand sneezer/cougher, it’s time to realize you’ve always been gross.

·         If you have PPE needs, PTP/Ironwood will not be providing them. Please bring what you need.

·         If anyone choses to wear PPE/ask for space, all participants will respect his/her decision.

·         As of now, Ironwood allows riding on golf carts together. (carts do not have protective divider shields).  If you need your own cart, let John know well ahead of time.

·         If being around crowds is something you are not currently comfortable with, we respect that.  It might then be a good idea to sit this year’s outing out and come back excited for 2022.  We will miss you, but we want you to enjoy yourself.